Teacher Training Diploma
Vicky has been approved as a FRYOG Tutor.

- 13th September 2025
- Contact me:
07761 977 537 - vicky@yogabelleza.com
Foundation Course
This non – vocational 1 year Yoga Foundation Course is designed for students who simply want to learn more about Yoga on a more deeper level, or for students who want admission to the 2 year FRYOG Vocational Yoga Teacher Training Course.
The course covers comprehensive and holistic Hatha Yoga, incorporating the whole aspect of yoga, Physical, Mental, Ethical, Philosophical and Spiritual.
Before a student can qualify to get on to the Foundation Course, a regular attendance at a yoga class for a minimum of one year under a qualified yoga teacher is essential.
The duration of the course is one year, made up of 10 monthly tutor meetings over a weekend. A theory assessment will take place at the end of the year’s course.
The course covers:
The study of Yoga Philosophy and the different Paths of Yoga.
The study of Mantra, Yantra and Mandala.
The study of The Chakras and Koshas.
Basic Anatomy and Physiology
The Study of classical yoga including Asanas, Pranayama, The Bandhas, Relaxation and Meditation.
The year 1, 200 hr and year 2, 500 hr teacher training course is a progression of the above and encourages the practice of yoga and ensures a supply of qualified FRYOG Yoga Teachers.

- 27th September 2025
- Contact me:
07761 977 537 - vicky@yogabelleza.com
200 Hour Teacher Training Course
Before a student can begin a 200 hour teacher training course they should hold a Friends of Yoga Foundation Course qualification (to be verified by tutor), regular attendance at a yoga class for a minimum of two years under a suitably qualified yoga teacher is essential.
*The duration of the course is one year, made up of 10 monthly tutor meetings over a weekend. A theory and practical assessment will take place at the end of the year’s course.
The course covers:
A progression of the above
Teaching skills and methods in preparation to teach a Classical Hatha Yoga Class.
The study of breathing and Pranayama.
The study of Kriyas ( cleansing practises )
The study of The Three Gunas and a yogic diet.

- 18th October 2025
- Contact me:
07761 977 537 - vicky@yogabelleza.com
500 Hour Teacher Training Course
This course provides an additional top-up to the FRYOG 200 hour Teaching Diploma, it offers support and guidance during a newly qualified teachers first year of teaching, offering a more in-depth training in classroom skills and modifications of asanas.
*Before a student can begin a 500 hour teacher training course they should hold a 200 hour qualification, regular attendance at a yoga class for a minimum of three years under a suitably qualified yoga teacher is essential. They should also have been teaching regularly (at least one class per week) since completing their 200 hr certificate
*The duration of the course is one year and made up of five 6 hour tutor/workshop meetings over a weekend. A theory and practical assessment will take place at the end of the years course.
FRYOG is a Yoga Alliance® USA Registered Yoga School (RYS®). FRYOG Diploma holders may apply to become a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT®) with Yoga Alliance, provided they fulfil the requirements listed above.
In addition FRYOG is a recognised Yoga School with the Independent Yoga Network (IYN) which means that FRYOG teachers can enter onto the Register of Exercise Professionals (REP’s) by their recognised route.
FRYOG is also registered with BCYT (British Council of Yoga Therapists) as an Active Member and ICNM.